Dr. Jesus Rodriguez-Calcerrada - Technical University of Madrid (Spain)
Dr. Jesus Rodriguez-Calcerrada

Nos visiteurs

January to april - Dr. Jesus Rodriguez-Calcerrada from Technical University of Madrid (Spain)

During winter 2018 a study will be conducted in the experimental site of Font-Blanche in collaboration with Dr. Jesus Rodriguez-Calcerrada from Technical University of Madrid (Spain) to answer the following questions : have stem and branch maintenance respiration of co-occurring Pinus halepensis and Quercus ilex trees changed in response to eight years of throughfall exclusion ? How these responses compare with those observed along a spatial gradient of soil water availability ?  Are maintenance respiration rates related to anatomical, chemical and hydraulic traits and  summer drought intensity ?  The goal of this experiment is to shed light on the way adult trees modulate its physiology as a function of soil water availability.